If you have an online business, you need to advertise on Facebook. Because now people spend most of their time on social media. People spend time on Facebook to say social media.
Facebook Marketing expert
If you want to be successful in any business, you must advertise. Either online or offline. Online marketing can take your business a long way. If you promote on Facebook, your customer base will grow and your business will benefit.
Around 160 million million users are active on Facebook every day. Also, according to official Facebook data, the amount of Facebook account is around 500 crore, which means you can understand how many people in the world use Facebook. For this, there can be no better marketing platform than Facebook.
So in the world of digital marketing, Facebook marketing has a great position. That you will not find in any other market. So today we do not know how much can be spent on Facebook marketing.
Learning Facebook marketing or social media marketing is very important in getting your product to the customer online. If you learn Facebook marketing, you will benefit in business.
How many types of Facebook marketing and how to do it
You need to create a business page on Facebook. So the page should be beautifully arranged. You should put the logo on the cover photo and your company profile.
Rules for posting ads on Facebook, rules for posting on Facebook pages, how much does it cost to boost a Facebook page
Select products for Facebook marketing
Choose the right product before starting a paid campaign. The demand for any type of product is high in the market. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. This will increase the demand for your product from the customer. You need to make sure that the product you want to campaign with has a competitor.
Rules and costs of advertising on Facebook
Enter your phone number when running the ad and understand how many dollars to run.
You have to give a beautiful name to the Facebook business page
When campaigning, choose a name that means the flower. Because you can understand later. Your next product promo will be full of help and may need to be run many more times.
All campaigns will be credited to your account and you can use them later.
Activate the Audience option because with this option you can notify your customer later.
If you can show your ad in Active Customer ID, your sales will increase many times.
Specific location selection
Before you run an ad on Facebook Marketing, do some research in which areas you have the most customers or in which areas your products will run the most. Then it will be an advantage to run the ad. Suppose you sell T-shirts only in Dhaka district. Then you have to give the location to the Dhaka area. Select the location by researching in this way.
What kind of T-shirt will you sell to girls or boys? You have to go to the Gender option and select it. If you run the ad, the boys' Facebook ID will show the T-shirt campaign
Selecting age
Will you sell shirts for any age group? 10 to 12 years or 12 to 19 years. There are many more age categories, if you select them according to your product then it will only go to the feed of people of that specific age.
Also, if you work with products for girls, you must activate the option for girls. And if they both work with boys and girls, then the common denominator must be given.
If you can work this way, you can be much more successful.
Facebook social media marketing course
Target with specific keywords
There are certain keywords on which your product will reach those people if you target and run ads. For example (T-shirt for free fire player in Bangladesh) Now those who are active with free fire will show your run ad in front of everyone. Then you understand how much research you have to do to run Ed. Only then can you succeed in business.
How much does Facebook charge to publish an ad?
When it comes to advertising on Facebook, you have to consider the cost aspect. The cost depends on several factors. I like how the likes are getting on the Facebook page. How many customers are being added to your page. Consider everything and start spending early.
You can start posting ads on Facebook for a minimum of 1 Doller
Select Facebook Ad Campaign Budget
Go to the Boost option on the Facebook page and you will see the budget option. You have to select from here. Budget for every day or once in a lifetime.
If you have a budget of 10 per day, your ad will show a certain number of people. And কার্ড 10 will be deducted from your card. Again, if you set it for life, you will deduct ড 10 at a time. As a result, Facebook will show your ad to some people.
Go to the scheduling option and set the time, you will see how many dates from what date the ad will run. Ed run will start at that specific time.
What is Post Rich?
Rich means the number of customers your ad will reach. If you do free marketing, your post will not be rich, but in the case of paid marketing, it will be rich. Then you will understand how important Rich is. That is why you need to gain experience in all these matters before doing this paid marketing.
I will talk about the conversation at the end.
The conversation is how many visitors or traffic your target customer converts. With this conversation, you can attract customers to your product site and sell the product. Only then will your Facebook marketing be successful.
Facebook social media marketing